“A group of blind men are introduced to an elephant.”

I chose this quote because I have actually heard of this example before from a motivational speaker using it as a metaphor for life. He explained how we all go through life (the elephant) but experience it completely differently (the different parts). This links back to perspective because this elephant metaphor is used in different contexts to express different ideas to people viewing it from different perspectives.

“Confessional tales are stories told in first person, which are focused on the experience of the author.”
I chose this quote because I relate to it in the way I tell stories. I’m always recalling stories from my point of view and telling them in a way that keeps my audience engaged which is usually breaking the story up into parts so it’s easy to follow along. Telling stories from the first person makes them so much more personal and people tend to care a lot more when a story is personal than just random information.

“A well-defined context, a good beginning, middle, and end, interesting characters, and good timing are all important elements of a story, but as a story unfolds before an audience, all of these ingredients are really there to support the images the story leaves in the audience’s mind.”
This quote especially resonated with me because it describes exactly how I like telling stories. My main goal when telling stories is to keep my audience engaged and have them genuinely enjoy what they’re hearing. If a story itself isn’t that interesting  I typically try to use imagery to add more life to a story. I’ll use many more describing words and be much louder and more excited about the story. I have found that if I am loud and excited about the story I’m telling there is a much higher chance that my audience will be more engaged too.